Join the Clam Island Rowing Crew


Part of the Crew Community

Be a part of our crew community and participate in regular events and activities. Represent our crew at local regattas and races.

Access to Erg Machine

Members can reserve and bring home an Erg machine.

Access to Singles and Doubles

Independent use of club singles and doubles without requirement of a manned safety launch by rowers who have valid completed CIR captain’s test.


Vote in CIR Elections

Have a say in what do and how we lead. Be a part of the decision process.

Sponsor a Guest Rower

Have a friend with rowing experience join with us for 2 free session with us.

Support the Local Rowhouse

Show your support for our growing crew and help build the future of rowing in Kitsap County.


Annual Crew Membership

Join our community of passionate rowers with an annual crew membership.
The annual membership fee is renewed on January 1st or at the time of registration.
Valid USRowing Membership and Waiver is required for all on-water activities

Want to try a GUEST ROW?. Fill out this form or contact us for more information.